Architecture Concepts
Copyright of Lazzarini Design  2009-2010
Interactive House - Transformable ambients with a different window solutions.
It is possible on the ground floor to close or open windows located between the columns, having a complete open living area.
Transformable Dinner/Deck Pool : The swimming pool is located next to the garace, which can also be turned into a dining room by using two crystal sliding pannels.
Transformable Garden : terrace on/off
On the 2nd Floor it is possible to have an additional ambient, pushing forward the terrace, this action will close the garden on the ground floor
Groundfloor Lounge : The Marble Floor is covered by a crystal layer, this gives the sensation to walk on the water .

2nd Floor : Two bedrooms and two bathrooms are separed from the kitchen, that owns the biggest part of the floor, including another dining room.
2nd Floor : Two bedrooms and two bathrooms are separed from the kitchen, that owns the biggest part of the floor, including another dining room.
INTERACTIVE HOUSE : 330mq x 2 transformable ambients : 60mq inrerior garden,60mq terrace,13m swimming pool.